[Announcing] Attachment of Exiled European Talossans
Sept 16, 2017 13:58:46 GMT -6
Ián B. Anglatzarâ, Lüc da Schir, and 1 more like this
Post by Magniloqueu Épiqeu da Lhiun on Sept 16, 2017 13:58:46 GMT -6
English below!
¡Cuncuriais erteiers, cuncuriais Européux es Européăs!
Desiradreu perventüră anonçarh la fhundaziun de l’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă, eda E⁴ scurtzniămînt, per à promotarh la c'honectaziun dallas Erteiers þavitînd în Europă. L’E⁴ («E [à photençă] qátor») fost ilesnarh à fraicarh ünă thradiziun Thalossan Européă come thagoror tsîncpholitic es ghovernamaintschattä. O fost organiçarh viestretschăs, videóspileux, es ingenc'hosă da nheceßar svo à cunxhestarh pü phróxim acestilor Erteiers-ci, qi þavitent în Europă. O fost ocså arbec'htarh àð anauçarh ünă vhräts c'headfă dad apoartamaintsch es quisclaziun àl Regipäts Talossan.
Txusca qe j’ont avuondeux mîmbreux per à votarh övr’iensă c'honstituziun, els sovînd regleux dirixhadrent la vhidă dallas mîmbreux es mîmbrăs da l’Enþecă:
§ 1 Fial da l’Enþecă
(1) 1L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă («E⁴», eda «l’Enþecă»), c’è ün verbånd bpriväts es sîncpholitic dallas es pr’els Erteiers în Europă.
(2) 1L’E⁴ servadra per à promotarh ün’identità Thalossan Européă per l’organiçaziun da vhiestretschăs, es rhaßemblăs da vhirtualità es rhealità, es dad altrăs nheonac'hăs àls ça’ns tocăs es mîmbreux. 2L’Enþecă aðfectadra à promotarh, es adiarh à, la c'húltură Thalossan es sieu þeritatx, es entócadra à perdumarh la vhirtualità da l’actività Thalossan c'horentic.
§ 2 Pleiven
(1) 1L’Enþecă organiçadra viestretschăs åreschti non-virtuais à dhäts dîn q’el püpärts da tsieux mîmbreux povent attendarh. 2Această vhiestretschă estadra nominadă el Pleiv.
(2) 1Pleiven si realiçadra sür dteritoriăs Européăs neutrais, c.à.z. în gcitans dov’ingen dallas mîmbreux da l’Enþecă demura permanîntmînt. 2Per gcauçă dad esploraziun, Pleiven non si fossent realiçarh àl mismă locaziun da dhîn vînvéniu.
(3) 1Pleiven non fossent lastarh mïus qe thres zhiuăs, es ideămînt non pü dha tseifet zhiuăs. 2La phartiçipaziun àls Pleiven isch volontar.
(4) 1Erteiers adülts unsoviarschen sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn bPleiven, salva qe schi tiennent scriut patral consent explicat per à partiçiparh. 2Erteiers adülts pü xhovan qe 16 års sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn bPleiven, salva qe schi sînt acompagnhats per ün gcalent, eda ün altreu tutour.
(5) 1L’Enþecă non respunsival’st per la tsürvixhilaziun dallas mîmbreux unsoviarschen qi partiçipent àls Pleiven cün gconsent bpatral. 2Mîmbreux unsoviarschen fossent dispunarh à l’Enþecă el gconsent es l’aisnel da c'hontäcts dals sieux calents, eda altreux tutours, schi desirent à partiçiparh dîn bPleiven.
§ 3 Convocaziuns
(1) 1Ingen mîmbreu da l’Enþecă put învitarh altreux mîmbreux àd ünă c'hità specific ingenthîmp. 2Această viestretschă estadra nominadă la C'honvocaziun 3El mîmbreu învitînd estadra el þost dal Convocaziun, nominat Precognh, es estadra scharxhat per planarh activitans dürant l’inquilinat. 4Mîmbreux auservînd la c'hlam dal Convocaziun non tiennent ingen drept àð estarh cumodats pr’el Precognh, mas el Precognh put en profrarh àð ingen mîmbreu q’o volt cumodarh. 5La phartiçipaziun dîn gConvocaziuns isch volontar.
(2) 1Convocaziuns non fossent coïncidarh cün bPleiven.
(3) 1Erteiers adülts unsoviarschen sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn gConvocaziuns, salva qe schi tiennent scriut patral consent explicat per à partiçiparh. 2Erteiers adülts pü xhovan qe 16 års sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn gConvocaziuns, salva qe schi sînt acompagnhats per ün gcalent, eda ün altreu tutour.
(4) 1L’Enþecă non respunsival’st per la tsürvixhilaziun dallas mîmbreux unsoviarschen qi partiçipent àls Pleiven cün gconsent bpatral. 2Mîmbreux unsoviarschen fossent dispunarh àl Percognh el gconsent es l’aisnel da c'hontäcts dals sieux calents, eda altreux tutours, schi desirent à partiçiparh dîn gConvocaziuns.
§ 4 Ducaziun
(1) 1L’Enþecă electadra da dhîn sieu steçéu doua mhîmbreux qi perservadrent come þosten es c'häpsilor da l’Enþecă. 2Acestilor gcäpsilor-ci si nominadrent Aðpertinats da l’Enþecă. 3Aðpertinats sînt electats per maxhorità simplic, es perservent tres års.
(2) 1L’Aðpertinats sînt scharxhats cün:
(4) 1Strentamaintschen dallas Aðpertinats contr’altreux mîmbreux povent estarh desec'hats per maxhorità simplic dal mîmbrità. 2La mhîsmă mhaxhorità put ocså alteirarh el strentamaintsch entreprenat per Aðpertinats, schi si vïa raziun àð en façarh.
(5) 1 Aðpertinats povent estarh impüstats pr’iensă vhotaziun dal mîmbrità sè mhaxhorità ausolü, ospr’iensă rhequest per tres mîmbreux à mhïus da l’Enþecă. 2În gcauçă dad impüstamaintsch sovînd l’uschedaziun da thortuösità, la vhotaziun fost estarh precedat pr’iens éisteac'ht, dove l’Aðpertinat afectat fost explictarh-se avant dad ünă c'homità da thoct i mhîmbreux. 3Dürant această c'homità, els mîmbreux povent ocså zecidarh àð imposarh ün afenic'ht cunvegnhéns àl nocençă da l’Aðpertinat, en institutînd cün la dheposiziun da l’óifisch, eda anstada d’eiă. 4L’Aðpertinat impüschat non fost votarh dîn las siăs steçéăs antzainăs.
§ 5 Mîmbrità
(1) 1Cadascù erteier demurînd în Europă permanîntmînt put zeviénarh mîmbreu da l’Enþecă. 2Si put requestarh mîmbrità aplicînd àð ingen mîmbreu da l’Enþecă. 3Erteiers non tiennent drept à mhîmbrità, es toct i aplicaziuns fossent estadăs aprovadăs pr’els mîmbreux da l’Enþecă.
(2) 1Mîmbreux prospectatïus fossent includarh l’aisneis sovînds àls siăs aplicaziuns:
(4) 1Schi ün mîmbreu auxhecta à l’aplicaziun avetz dals raziuns, els Aðpertinats fossent holdarh ünă vhotaziun svo à zesterminarh la vholontà dels mîmbreux 2Schi pü q’el zemì dallas mîmbreux auxhectent à l’aplicaziun, a serà rexhectadă, es el mîmbreu prospectïu serà zismintat dal mîmbrità. 3Aplicheirs cumpavats fossent estarh rensenghats på las raziuns del rexhectamaintsch prontu.
(5) 1Mîmbreux povent excluçarh ün altreu mîmbreu da l’Enþecă în gcauçă ngrav da phraivaricaziuns c'horporösen, c'honviziun da c'hrimăs ghrosăs, eda ingen veþaviör d’alter qi put malaßoreglharh l’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă. 2Avant q’ingen votaziun realiçadra, si fost zonarh àl mîmbreu afectat el drept àð explictarh-se àð altreux mîmbreux par ops d’iens anvoid.
(5a) 1Schi ün mîmbreu non taimpra à l’anvoid da dhîn’iens mes, eda non ostensa dallas raziuns per la zhemoră, o isch txuxhat à tirh cedat sieu dhrept àð exauziziun.
(5b)1Ünă ablaziun dal mîmbrità resquira ünă mhaxhorità ausolü dallas mîmbreux, es impesc'ha el mîmbreu afectat da votarh på’ceastă fhacendă.
(6) 1Mîmbreux pierdent la tsiă mhîmbrità autumätsmînt, moschut qe alughnent dad Europă permanîntmînt.
(7) 1Mîmbreux povent renunçarh lor mîmbrità per zesclaraziun simpil. 2Ospr’această zhesclaraziun-ci, la mhîmbrità voltiga dürant ünă quinteschaină, es ospr’éiă si zißolva. 3Dürant la vholtigaziun, el mîmbreu put sararh la rhenunçaziun, es com’acest put estarh restorniat come mhîmbreu c'humpläts.
§ 6 Camp d’Aziun
(1) 1L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă isch activă da dhîn Europă. 2În notsch dad acest documenteu, Europă serà zesfinadă come c'hunplexînd toct i lhocaziuns à l’interiör dad acestilor pointeux sovînds:
§ 7 Fiăs da Mhîmbrità
(1) 1Pr’els pürpösen del retaqamaintsch da c'hosten, es la vhiardiun dallas Aðpertinants, l’Enþecă put gritantarh fiăs da mhîmbrità, definadăs per l’Aðpertinats. 2L’Aðpertinats non sînt tolonéux dallas fiăs da mhîmbrità.
§ 8 Fundaziun es Lipidaziun
(1) 1L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă es ünă apvienibă Thalossan seþadă cün la vhalidaziun dad acest ndocumenteu. 2O fost existarh txusca qe sieux mîmbreux zecident à zißolvarh l’apvienibă.
(2) 2L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă put estadă zißolvadă cün ünă vhotaziun c'hunfirmînd da dhoua trèveslaisets dallas mîmbreux.
§ 9 Amendamaintschen àl Documenteu es Valáival del Documenteu
(1) 1Moschut qe l’Enþecă compriça sîmca mhîmbreux, si fost holdarh ünă vhotaziun övr’acest ndocumenteu. 2Els mîmbreux povent zecidarh à guardarh el documenteu come c’è, eda put zecidarh àð amendarh-en, eda zecidarh à remplaçarh-en per ünă c'hartă c'humplätsmînt nhouă.
(2) 1Si put façarh cînxhen àð acest ndocumenteu-ci avetz aprovaziun dad ünă mhaxhorità tsimpil dallas mîmbreux. 2Tonaton la stipulaziun phreviös, non si povent alteirarh els §§5, 6, 8, es 9, salva qe schi c’è aprovat pr’iensă vhotaziun da dhoua trèveslaisets dallas mîmbreux. 3Els cînxhen serent efectïus moschut qe sînt zivulgats, schi non ja ingen stipulaziun d’altră.
(3) 1Acest ndocumenteu-ci put estarh remplaçat solămînt cün ünă mhaxhorità da dhoua trèveslaisets votînd în vfavour d’iensă c'hartă nhouă qi remplaça acest ndocumenteu-ci. 2Si non put remplaçarh acest ndocumenteu-ci sînc ingen cartă d’altră qi en remplaça.
(4) 1Acest ndocumenteu-ci si insitutadra moschut qe c’è zivulgat.
/s/ Magniloqueu Épiqeu Ac'hlerglünä da Lhiun, fundeir.
Fellow Talossans, fellow Europeans,
I would hereby like to announce the foundation of the Attachment of Exiled European Talossans, or E⁴ in short, to further the connection of Talossans living in Europe. The E⁴ shall promote the building of a European Talossan tradition as a non-political, non-governmental group. It shall organise meet-ups, video chats, and whatever is necessary to bring those Talossans, who live in Europe, closer together, and work towards a true sense of belonging and connection to the Kingdom of Talossa.
Until such time as enough founding members are found to vote upon a Charter, following set of rules shall guide the Code of Conduct for Members, and their Rights and Plights:
§ 1 Purpose of the Attachment
(1) 1The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans (“E⁴”, or “the Attachment”) is a private, non-political organisation of and for Talossans living in Europe.
(2) 1The E⁴ shall serve to further a European Talossan identity through the organisation of virtual and real meet-ups, gatherings, and other activities of interest to its objectives and its members. 2The Attachment shall strive to promote, and add to, Talossan culture and its heritage, and shall aim to overcome the mere virtuality of current Talossan activity.
§ 2 Congregations
(1) 1The Attachment shall organise annual, non-virtual meet-ups at a date where most of its members can attend. 2This meet-up shall be known as the Congregation.
(2) 1Congregations shall take place on neutral European territory, i.e. in a city where no member of the Attachment permanently resides. 2In the interest of exploration, Congregations shall not be held in the same location more than once quinquennially.
(3) 1Congregations shall last no less than three days, and ideally no more than seven days. 2Participation in Congregations is voluntary.
(4) 1Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 18 are barred from participating in Congregations, unless they have explicit written parental consent to participate. 2Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 16 are barred from participating in Congregations, unless they are accompanied by a parent, or another legal guardian.
(5) 1The Attachment does not take responsibility for the supervision of members under 18 years who are participating in Congregations with parental consent. 2Members under 18 must make available to the Attachment consent and contact information of their parents, or other legal guardians, if they wish to participate in Congregations.
§ 3 Convocations
(1) 1Any member of the Attachment may invite other members to a specific city at any time. 2This meeting shall be known as the Convocation. 3The inviting member shall be the host of the Convocation, known as the Caller, and shall see to the planning of activities for the sojourn. 4Members answering the call of Convocation haven’t any rights to being accommodated by the Caller of the Convocation, but the Caller may choose to offer accommodations to any member they wish to accommodate. 5The participation in Convocations is voluntary.
(2) 1Convocations must not coincide with Congregations.
(3) 1Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 18 are barred from participating in Convocations, unless they have explicit written parental consent to participate. 2Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 16 are barred from participating in Convocations, unless they are accompanied by a parent, or another legal guardian.
(4) 1The Attachment does not take responsibility for the supervision of members under 18 years who are participating in Convocations with parental consent. 2Members under 18 must make available to the Caller consent and contact information of their parents, or other legal guardians, if they wish to participate in Convocations.
§ 4 Leadership
(1) 1The Attachment shall elect from among its ranks two members to serve as hosts and leaders of the Attachment. 2These leaders shall be known as the Attaché(e)s of the Attachment. 3Attaché(e)s are elected by simple majority of the members, and serve for the duration of three years.
(2) 1The Attaché(e)s shall be tasked with
(4) 1Disciplinary measures of Attaché(e)s against another member can be overruled by a simple majority of the membership. 2The same majority can also alter the disciplinary measure undertaken by Attaché(e)s, if they see reason to do so.
(5) 1An Attaché(e) may be deposed from office by a confirming vote of an absolute majority of the membership, following a request from at least three members of the Attachment. 2In case of deposition due to alleged wrongdoing, the vote must be preceded by impeachment hearings, where the Attaché(e) in question must explain himself before a full assembly of the members. 3During this assembly, members may also choose to impose a penalty befitting the Attaché(e)’s transgressions, which shall take effect in conjunction with, or instead of, the deposition from office. 4The impeached Attaché(e) must not vote in their own proceedings.
§ 5 Membership
(1) 1Any Talossan citizen permanently residing within Europe is eligible for membership. 2Membership can be requested by applying to any member of the Attachment. 3Talossan citizens do not have a right to membership, and all applications are subject to approval by members of the Attachment.
(2) 1Prospective members must include following information in their application:
(4) 1If a member objects with reason to the application, the Attaché(e)s shall hold a vote to determine the will of the members. 2If more than half of the members object to the application, it is to be rejected, and the prospective member is to be denied membership. 3Disappointed applicants must be informed of the grounds for rejection as soon as possible.
(5) 1Members may choose to remove another member from the Attachment in serious cases of gross misconduct, conviction of heinous crimes, or any other behaviour that may reflect badly on the Attachment of Exiled European Talossans. 2Before any vote takes place, the affected member must be given the right to explain themselves to the other members with a summons.
(5a) 1If a member does not respond to the summons within 30 days, or shows no grounds for their delay, they are deemed to have forfeited their right to be heard.
(5b)1A removal from membership requires an absolute majority of the members, and bars the affected member from voting upon this particular question.
(6) 1Members automatically lose their membership when they permanently move outside of Europe.
(7) 1Members may choose to renounce their membership by simple declaration. 2After such declaration, the membership is pending for a fortnight, after which time it is dissolved. 3During the time of pendency, a member may recant their renunciation, and thus be immediately reinstated as a full member.
§ 6 Area of Action
(1) 1The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans is active within Europe. 2For the purposes of this document, Europe is defined as encompassing all places within these points:
§ 7 Membership Fees
(1) 1For the purposes of cost recovery, and reimbursement of Attaché(e)s, the Attachment may choose to introduce a Membership Fee to be determined by the Attaché(e)s. 2Attaché(e)s are not exempt from the Membership Fee.
§ 8 Foundation and Liquidation
(1) 1The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans is a Talossan association established with the passage of this document. 2It shall exist until such time as its members choose to dissolve the association.
(2) 2The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans may be dissolved by a confirming vote of two-thirds of its members.
§ 9 Amendments to the Document and Validity of the Document
(1) 1As soon as the Attachment comprises five members, a vote shall be held regarding this document. 2Members may choose to keep the document as is, amend it, or replace it with a new Charter entirely.
(2) 1Changes to this document may be made by approval of a simple majority vote of the members. 2Notwithstanding the previous sentence, §§5, 6, 8, and 9 may not be changed unless so approved by a two-thirds majority of the members. 3Changes take effect as soon as they are made public, if nothing else is dictated.
(3) 1This document may be replaced only by a two-thirds majority voting in favour of a new Charter replacing this document. 2This document may not be repealed without another Charter replacing it.
(4) 1This document shall enter into force as soon as it is made public.
/s/ Magniloqueu Épiqeu Ac'hlerglünä da Lhiun, founder.
L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă (E⁴)
¡Cuncuriais erteiers, cuncuriais Européux es Européăs!
Desiradreu perventüră anonçarh la fhundaziun de l’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă, eda E⁴ scurtzniămînt, per à promotarh la c'honectaziun dallas Erteiers þavitînd în Europă. L’E⁴ («E [à photençă] qátor») fost ilesnarh à fraicarh ünă thradiziun Thalossan Européă come thagoror tsîncpholitic es ghovernamaintschattä. O fost organiçarh viestretschăs, videóspileux, es ingenc'hosă da nheceßar svo à cunxhestarh pü phróxim acestilor Erteiers-ci, qi þavitent în Europă. O fost ocså arbec'htarh àð anauçarh ünă vhräts c'headfă dad apoartamaintsch es quisclaziun àl Regipäts Talossan.
Txusca qe j’ont avuondeux mîmbreux per à votarh övr’iensă c'honstituziun, els sovînd regleux dirixhadrent la vhidă dallas mîmbreux es mîmbrăs da l’Enþecă:
Reglamaintschen Preliminars dallas Constuns es Cartă da Dhrepts es Dheveirs da l’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă
§ 1 Fial da l’Enþecă
(1) 1L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă («E⁴», eda «l’Enþecă»), c’è ün verbånd bpriväts es sîncpholitic dallas es pr’els Erteiers în Europă.
(2) 1L’E⁴ servadra per à promotarh ün’identità Thalossan Européă per l’organiçaziun da vhiestretschăs, es rhaßemblăs da vhirtualità es rhealità, es dad altrăs nheonac'hăs àls ça’ns tocăs es mîmbreux. 2L’Enþecă aðfectadra à promotarh, es adiarh à, la c'húltură Thalossan es sieu þeritatx, es entócadra à perdumarh la vhirtualità da l’actività Thalossan c'horentic.
§ 2 Pleiven
(1) 1L’Enþecă organiçadra viestretschăs åreschti non-virtuais à dhäts dîn q’el püpärts da tsieux mîmbreux povent attendarh. 2Această vhiestretschă estadra nominadă el Pleiv.
(2) 1Pleiven si realiçadra sür dteritoriăs Européăs neutrais, c.à.z. în gcitans dov’ingen dallas mîmbreux da l’Enþecă demura permanîntmînt. 2Per gcauçă dad esploraziun, Pleiven non si fossent realiçarh àl mismă locaziun da dhîn vînvéniu.
(3) 1Pleiven non fossent lastarh mïus qe thres zhiuăs, es ideămînt non pü dha tseifet zhiuăs. 2La phartiçipaziun àls Pleiven isch volontar.
(4) 1Erteiers adülts unsoviarschen sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn bPleiven, salva qe schi tiennent scriut patral consent explicat per à partiçiparh. 2Erteiers adülts pü xhovan qe 16 års sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn bPleiven, salva qe schi sînt acompagnhats per ün gcalent, eda ün altreu tutour.
(5) 1L’Enþecă non respunsival’st per la tsürvixhilaziun dallas mîmbreux unsoviarschen qi partiçipent àls Pleiven cün gconsent bpatral. 2Mîmbreux unsoviarschen fossent dispunarh à l’Enþecă el gconsent es l’aisnel da c'hontäcts dals sieux calents, eda altreux tutours, schi desirent à partiçiparh dîn bPleiven.
§ 3 Convocaziuns
(1) 1Ingen mîmbreu da l’Enþecă put învitarh altreux mîmbreux àd ünă c'hità specific ingenthîmp. 2Această viestretschă estadra nominadă la C'honvocaziun 3El mîmbreu învitînd estadra el þost dal Convocaziun, nominat Precognh, es estadra scharxhat per planarh activitans dürant l’inquilinat. 4Mîmbreux auservînd la c'hlam dal Convocaziun non tiennent ingen drept àð estarh cumodats pr’el Precognh, mas el Precognh put en profrarh àð ingen mîmbreu q’o volt cumodarh. 5La phartiçipaziun dîn gConvocaziuns isch volontar.
(2) 1Convocaziuns non fossent coïncidarh cün bPleiven.
(3) 1Erteiers adülts unsoviarschen sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn gConvocaziuns, salva qe schi tiennent scriut patral consent explicat per à partiçiparh. 2Erteiers adülts pü xhovan qe 16 års sînt cleþats dal partiçipaziun dîn gConvocaziuns, salva qe schi sînt acompagnhats per ün gcalent, eda ün altreu tutour.
(4) 1L’Enþecă non respunsival’st per la tsürvixhilaziun dallas mîmbreux unsoviarschen qi partiçipent àls Pleiven cün gconsent bpatral. 2Mîmbreux unsoviarschen fossent dispunarh àl Percognh el gconsent es l’aisnel da c'hontäcts dals sieux calents, eda altreux tutours, schi desirent à partiçiparh dîn gConvocaziuns.
§ 4 Ducaziun
(1) 1L’Enþecă electadra da dhîn sieu steçéu doua mhîmbreux qi perservadrent come þosten es c'häpsilor da l’Enþecă. 2Acestilor gcäpsilor-ci si nominadrent Aðpertinats da l’Enþecă. 3Aðpertinats sînt electats per maxhorità simplic, es perservent tres års.
(2) 1L’Aðpertinats sînt scharxhats cün:
- la phlanificaziun da dhätsilor, c'humodamaintschen, es activitans dîn bPleiven, es
- la c'holectaziun da fhiăs per bPleiven, es per l’entretién da l’Enþecă, es
- la strentamaintsch dallas mîmbreux da l’Enþecă per ndelicten, es
- la c'holectaziun dallas fineux da mhîmbreux strentats, schi füvent imposats, es
- la holdaziun dallas votaziuns qi povent estarh neceßar dîn l’Enþecă, es
- la rhepresentaziun da l’Enþecă lexhitalmînt, financialmînt, es altrămînt.
(4) 1Strentamaintschen dallas Aðpertinats contr’altreux mîmbreux povent estarh desec'hats per maxhorità simplic dal mîmbrità. 2La mhîsmă mhaxhorità put ocså alteirarh el strentamaintsch entreprenat per Aðpertinats, schi si vïa raziun àð en façarh.
(5) 1 Aðpertinats povent estarh impüstats pr’iensă vhotaziun dal mîmbrità sè mhaxhorità ausolü, ospr’iensă rhequest per tres mîmbreux à mhïus da l’Enþecă. 2În gcauçă dad impüstamaintsch sovînd l’uschedaziun da thortuösità, la vhotaziun fost estarh precedat pr’iens éisteac'ht, dove l’Aðpertinat afectat fost explictarh-se avant dad ünă c'homità da thoct i mhîmbreux. 3Dürant această c'homità, els mîmbreux povent ocså zecidarh àð imposarh ün afenic'ht cunvegnhéns àl nocençă da l’Aðpertinat, en institutînd cün la dheposiziun da l’óifisch, eda anstada d’eiă. 4L’Aðpertinat impüschat non fost votarh dîn las siăs steçéăs antzainăs.
§ 5 Mîmbrità
(1) 1Cadascù erteier demurînd în Europă permanîntmînt put zeviénarh mîmbreu da l’Enþecă. 2Si put requestarh mîmbrità aplicînd àð ingen mîmbreu da l’Enþecă. 3Erteiers non tiennent drept à mhîmbrità, es toct i aplicaziuns fossent estadăs aprovadăs pr’els mîmbreux da l’Enþecă.
(2) 1Mîmbreux prospectatïus fossent includarh l’aisneis sovînds àls siăs aplicaziuns:
- nómină cumpläts lexhital Talossan, es
- däts da nhataschă, es
- aisnel da c'hontact anoviars da Wittenberg.
(4) 1Schi ün mîmbreu auxhecta à l’aplicaziun avetz dals raziuns, els Aðpertinats fossent holdarh ünă vhotaziun svo à zesterminarh la vholontà dels mîmbreux 2Schi pü q’el zemì dallas mîmbreux auxhectent à l’aplicaziun, a serà rexhectadă, es el mîmbreu prospectïu serà zismintat dal mîmbrità. 3Aplicheirs cumpavats fossent estarh rensenghats på las raziuns del rexhectamaintsch prontu.
(5) 1Mîmbreux povent excluçarh ün altreu mîmbreu da l’Enþecă în gcauçă ngrav da phraivaricaziuns c'horporösen, c'honviziun da c'hrimăs ghrosăs, eda ingen veþaviör d’alter qi put malaßoreglharh l’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă. 2Avant q’ingen votaziun realiçadra, si fost zonarh àl mîmbreu afectat el drept àð explictarh-se àð altreux mîmbreux par ops d’iens anvoid.
(5a) 1Schi ün mîmbreu non taimpra à l’anvoid da dhîn’iens mes, eda non ostensa dallas raziuns per la zhemoră, o isch txuxhat à tirh cedat sieu dhrept àð exauziziun.
(5b)1Ünă ablaziun dal mîmbrità resquira ünă mhaxhorità ausolü dallas mîmbreux, es impesc'ha el mîmbreu afectat da votarh på’ceastă fhacendă.
(6) 1Mîmbreux pierdent la tsiă mhîmbrità autumätsmînt, moschut qe alughnent dad Europă permanîntmînt.
(7) 1Mîmbreux povent renunçarh lor mîmbrità per zesclaraziun simpil. 2Ospr’această zhesclaraziun-ci, la mhîmbrità voltiga dürant ünă quinteschaină, es ospr’éiă si zißolva. 3Dürant la vholtigaziun, el mîmbreu put sararh la rhenunçaziun, es com’acest put estarh restorniat come mhîmbreu c'humpläts.
§ 6 Camp d’Aziun
(1) 1L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă isch activă da dhîn Europă. 2În notsch dad acest documenteu, Europă serà zesfinadă come c'hunplexînd toct i lhocaziuns à l’interiör dad acestilor pointeux sovînds:
- à l’ovest, dallas Açoirăs
- àl nordur, da l’ínsula Norvexhan da Mhagerøya
- à l’est, del pointeu pü oriental dal fiovă Itil
- àl sudur, da Mhalta.
§ 7 Fiăs da Mhîmbrità
(1) 1Pr’els pürpösen del retaqamaintsch da c'hosten, es la vhiardiun dallas Aðpertinants, l’Enþecă put gritantarh fiăs da mhîmbrità, definadăs per l’Aðpertinats. 2L’Aðpertinats non sînt tolonéux dallas fiăs da mhîmbrità.
§ 8 Fundaziun es Lipidaziun
(1) 1L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă es ünă apvienibă Thalossan seþadă cün la vhalidaziun dad acest ndocumenteu. 2O fost existarh txusca qe sieux mîmbreux zecident à zißolvarh l’apvienibă.
(2) 2L’Enþecă dallas Erteiers Exileschti în Europă put estadă zißolvadă cün ünă vhotaziun c'hunfirmînd da dhoua trèveslaisets dallas mîmbreux.
§ 9 Amendamaintschen àl Documenteu es Valáival del Documenteu
(1) 1Moschut qe l’Enþecă compriça sîmca mhîmbreux, si fost holdarh ünă vhotaziun övr’acest ndocumenteu. 2Els mîmbreux povent zecidarh à guardarh el documenteu come c’è, eda put zecidarh àð amendarh-en, eda zecidarh à remplaçarh-en per ünă c'hartă c'humplätsmînt nhouă.
(2) 1Si put façarh cînxhen àð acest ndocumenteu-ci avetz aprovaziun dad ünă mhaxhorità tsimpil dallas mîmbreux. 2Tonaton la stipulaziun phreviös, non si povent alteirarh els §§5, 6, 8, es 9, salva qe schi c’è aprovat pr’iensă vhotaziun da dhoua trèveslaisets dallas mîmbreux. 3Els cînxhen serent efectïus moschut qe sînt zivulgats, schi non ja ingen stipulaziun d’altră.
(3) 1Acest ndocumenteu-ci put estarh remplaçat solămînt cün ünă mhaxhorità da dhoua trèveslaisets votînd în vfavour d’iensă c'hartă nhouă qi remplaça acest ndocumenteu-ci. 2Si non put remplaçarh acest ndocumenteu-ci sînc ingen cartă d’altră qi en remplaça.
(4) 1Acest ndocumenteu-ci si insitutadra moschut qe c’è zivulgat.
/s/ Magniloqueu Épiqeu Ac'hlerglünä da Lhiun, fundeir.
The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans (E⁴)
Fellow Talossans, fellow Europeans,
I would hereby like to announce the foundation of the Attachment of Exiled European Talossans, or E⁴ in short, to further the connection of Talossans living in Europe. The E⁴ shall promote the building of a European Talossan tradition as a non-political, non-governmental group. It shall organise meet-ups, video chats, and whatever is necessary to bring those Talossans, who live in Europe, closer together, and work towards a true sense of belonging and connection to the Kingdom of Talossa.
Until such time as enough founding members are found to vote upon a Charter, following set of rules shall guide the Code of Conduct for Members, and their Rights and Plights:
Preliminary Code of Conduct and Charter of Rights and Plights of the Attachment of Exiled European Talossans
§ 1 Purpose of the Attachment
(1) 1The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans (“E⁴”, or “the Attachment”) is a private, non-political organisation of and for Talossans living in Europe.
(2) 1The E⁴ shall serve to further a European Talossan identity through the organisation of virtual and real meet-ups, gatherings, and other activities of interest to its objectives and its members. 2The Attachment shall strive to promote, and add to, Talossan culture and its heritage, and shall aim to overcome the mere virtuality of current Talossan activity.
§ 2 Congregations
(1) 1The Attachment shall organise annual, non-virtual meet-ups at a date where most of its members can attend. 2This meet-up shall be known as the Congregation.
(2) 1Congregations shall take place on neutral European territory, i.e. in a city where no member of the Attachment permanently resides. 2In the interest of exploration, Congregations shall not be held in the same location more than once quinquennially.
(3) 1Congregations shall last no less than three days, and ideally no more than seven days. 2Participation in Congregations is voluntary.
(4) 1Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 18 are barred from participating in Congregations, unless they have explicit written parental consent to participate. 2Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 16 are barred from participating in Congregations, unless they are accompanied by a parent, or another legal guardian.
(5) 1The Attachment does not take responsibility for the supervision of members under 18 years who are participating in Congregations with parental consent. 2Members under 18 must make available to the Attachment consent and contact information of their parents, or other legal guardians, if they wish to participate in Congregations.
§ 3 Convocations
(1) 1Any member of the Attachment may invite other members to a specific city at any time. 2This meeting shall be known as the Convocation. 3The inviting member shall be the host of the Convocation, known as the Caller, and shall see to the planning of activities for the sojourn. 4Members answering the call of Convocation haven’t any rights to being accommodated by the Caller of the Convocation, but the Caller may choose to offer accommodations to any member they wish to accommodate. 5The participation in Convocations is voluntary.
(2) 1Convocations must not coincide with Congregations.
(3) 1Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 18 are barred from participating in Convocations, unless they have explicit written parental consent to participate. 2Adult Talossan citizens under the age of 16 are barred from participating in Convocations, unless they are accompanied by a parent, or another legal guardian.
(4) 1The Attachment does not take responsibility for the supervision of members under 18 years who are participating in Convocations with parental consent. 2Members under 18 must make available to the Caller consent and contact information of their parents, or other legal guardians, if they wish to participate in Convocations.
§ 4 Leadership
(1) 1The Attachment shall elect from among its ranks two members to serve as hosts and leaders of the Attachment. 2These leaders shall be known as the Attaché(e)s of the Attachment. 3Attaché(e)s are elected by simple majority of the members, and serve for the duration of three years.
(2) 1The Attaché(e)s shall be tasked with
- planning dates, accommodations, and activities in Congregations, and
- collecting fees for Congregations, and for the upkeep of the Attachment, and
- disciplining members of the Attachment for misconduct, and
- collecting fines from disciplined members if such were imposed, and
- conducting possible votings that may be necessary in the Attachment, and
- representing the Attachment in legal, financial, and other matters.
(4) 1Disciplinary measures of Attaché(e)s against another member can be overruled by a simple majority of the membership. 2The same majority can also alter the disciplinary measure undertaken by Attaché(e)s, if they see reason to do so.
(5) 1An Attaché(e) may be deposed from office by a confirming vote of an absolute majority of the membership, following a request from at least three members of the Attachment. 2In case of deposition due to alleged wrongdoing, the vote must be preceded by impeachment hearings, where the Attaché(e) in question must explain himself before a full assembly of the members. 3During this assembly, members may also choose to impose a penalty befitting the Attaché(e)’s transgressions, which shall take effect in conjunction with, or instead of, the deposition from office. 4The impeached Attaché(e) must not vote in their own proceedings.
§ 5 Membership
(1) 1Any Talossan citizen permanently residing within Europe is eligible for membership. 2Membership can be requested by applying to any member of the Attachment. 3Talossan citizens do not have a right to membership, and all applications are subject to approval by members of the Attachment.
(2) 1Prospective members must include following information in their application:
- full legal Talossan name, and
- birth date, and
- contact information outside of Wittenberg.
(4) 1If a member objects with reason to the application, the Attaché(e)s shall hold a vote to determine the will of the members. 2If more than half of the members object to the application, it is to be rejected, and the prospective member is to be denied membership. 3Disappointed applicants must be informed of the grounds for rejection as soon as possible.
(5) 1Members may choose to remove another member from the Attachment in serious cases of gross misconduct, conviction of heinous crimes, or any other behaviour that may reflect badly on the Attachment of Exiled European Talossans. 2Before any vote takes place, the affected member must be given the right to explain themselves to the other members with a summons.
(5a) 1If a member does not respond to the summons within 30 days, or shows no grounds for their delay, they are deemed to have forfeited their right to be heard.
(5b)1A removal from membership requires an absolute majority of the members, and bars the affected member from voting upon this particular question.
(6) 1Members automatically lose their membership when they permanently move outside of Europe.
(7) 1Members may choose to renounce their membership by simple declaration. 2After such declaration, the membership is pending for a fortnight, after which time it is dissolved. 3During the time of pendency, a member may recant their renunciation, and thus be immediately reinstated as a full member.
§ 6 Area of Action
(1) 1The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans is active within Europe. 2For the purposes of this document, Europe is defined as encompassing all places within these points:
- in the West, from the Azores
- in the North, from the Norwegian island of Magerøya
- in the East, from the eastmost point of the Volga river
- in the South, from Malta.
§ 7 Membership Fees
(1) 1For the purposes of cost recovery, and reimbursement of Attaché(e)s, the Attachment may choose to introduce a Membership Fee to be determined by the Attaché(e)s. 2Attaché(e)s are not exempt from the Membership Fee.
§ 8 Foundation and Liquidation
(1) 1The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans is a Talossan association established with the passage of this document. 2It shall exist until such time as its members choose to dissolve the association.
(2) 2The Attachment of Exiled European Talossans may be dissolved by a confirming vote of two-thirds of its members.
§ 9 Amendments to the Document and Validity of the Document
(1) 1As soon as the Attachment comprises five members, a vote shall be held regarding this document. 2Members may choose to keep the document as is, amend it, or replace it with a new Charter entirely.
(2) 1Changes to this document may be made by approval of a simple majority vote of the members. 2Notwithstanding the previous sentence, §§5, 6, 8, and 9 may not be changed unless so approved by a two-thirds majority of the members. 3Changes take effect as soon as they are made public, if nothing else is dictated.
(3) 1This document may be replaced only by a two-thirds majority voting in favour of a new Charter replacing this document. 2This document may not be repealed without another Charter replacing it.
(4) 1This document shall enter into force as soon as it is made public.
/s/ Magniloqueu Épiqeu Ac'hlerglünä da Lhiun, founder.