TANDI QE eftir el Legeu Orgänic, el glheþ Talossan isch el glheþ uficial d'ár naziun, es
TANDI QE acest non sembla à estarh respectat, des'chind muitas nóminas uficiais in Talossa sint in altreux glheþen, ordvart l'Angleasca, es
TANDI QE acest isch la cauça in la Teritoria Antarctic da Pengöpäts, las schiras da qi sint nominat in el glheþ Angleasca, es
TANDI QE las nóminas d'acestilor shiras povent estarh glheþinadas, es
PER ACEASTA RAZIUN el Ziu perventüra zesclara qe las schiras da Pengöpäts säpeschti come Coldstrand, Evaniana, es Uttersouth, non solamint el capital Teritorial, nun tiennent las formas Talossaes uficiais, respemint: Platxafred, Adiensiana, Sudurbenia, es Schembiança. Las formas non-Talossaes povent estarh uçadas par acestilor qi non sint famiglhaes avetz el glheþ Talossan, ívenðo el Ziu encoraxha toct citaxhiens Talossaes à uçarh las formas Talossaes com'iens vej d'ostensarh la respectù es l'admiraziun per ár glheþ undervar es ár naziun grült.
Uréu q'estadra sa: Iustì Canun (Senator—Maricopa)
WHEREAS according to the Organic Law, the Talossan language is the official language of our nation, and
WHEREAS this doesn’t seem to be respected, since many official names in Talossa are in other languages, mainly English, and
WHEREAS this is the case in the Antarctic Territory of Pengöpäts, the shires of which are named in English, and
WHEREAS the names of these shires can be translated into the Talossan language, and
THEREFORE the Ziu hereby states that the shires of Pengöpäts known as Coldstrand, Evaniana, and Uttersouth, as well as the Territorial capital, Everwhite, now have official Talossan forms, respectively: Platxafred, Adiensiana, Sudurbenia, and Schembiança. The non-Talossan forms may be used as an alternative by those not familiar with the Talossan Language, although the Ziu encourages all Talossan citizens to use the Talossan forms as a way of demonstrating respect and admiration for our wonderful language and our great nation.
Uréu q'estadra sa: Iustì Canun (Senator—Maricopa)