King John
King of Talossa
Posts: 2,415
Talossan Since: 5-7-2005
Knight Since: 11-30-2005
King Since: 3-14-2007
Post by King John on Nov 1, 2006 13:16:55 GMT -6
The November 2006 Clark is available from the front page of the website or here. Voting runs today through November 21. MCs and Senators can expect a copy in their email soon. — John Woolley, UrN, Secretary of State
Ian da Bitour
Talossan since 3-11-2006
President of Royal Bank and Post
Posts: 382
Post by Ian da Bitour on Nov 14, 2006 3:38:25 GMT -6
I see that I will vote first. Here is my vote:
36RZ7. The "It Seemed A Bit Daft Me Havin' To Guard Him When He's A Guard" Act – PËR
36RZ8. The Immigration Reform Reform Act – PËR
36RZ9. The Ballot Security Act – PËR
36RZ10. The Anti-Impostor and Liar Act – PËR
36RZ11. The Equality in Voting Act (Amendment) – CONTRÂ
-Iàn da Bitoûr, MC
Sir Samuhel Tecladeir
Citizen since 8-22-2005; Knight since 10-23-2006
If you don't rock the boat, no one will know it's sinking.
Posts: 436
Post by Sir Samuhel Tecladeir on Nov 16, 2006 11:18:32 GMT -6
36RZ7 The "It Seemed A Bit Daft Me Havin' To Guard Him When He's A Guard" Act – Per
36RZ8 The Immigration Reform Reform Act – Për
36RZ9 The Ballot Security Act – Për
36RZ10 The Anti-Impostor and Liar Act – Për
36RZ11 The Equality in Voting Act (Amendment) – Për
VOC – Üc
-Sir Samuhél Tecladéir
Prince Patrick
Citizen since 8-23-2005; Prince since 3-14-2007; Duke since 8-6-2011
Citizen and Governor of Florencia; His Highness, Prince Patrick, Duke of Florencia
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Duke Since: 8-6-2011
Post by Prince Patrick on Nov 17, 2006 18:41:29 GMT -6
36RZ7 "It Seemed A Bit Daft"– Për
36RZ8 The Immigration – Për
36RZ9 Ballot Security– Për
36RZ10 Anti-Impostor and – Për
36RZ11 Equality in Voting Act– Për I strongly believe that it is in the best interest of Talossa that we protect the voting power of all of our citizens by enacting this legislation, and that it is our duty as representative officers to do so.
VOC – Üc
Brad Holmes
Cunstaval to Maritiimi-Maxhestic
Atatürkey, and flying by the seat of my RUMP
Posts: 1,014
Talossan Since: 3-16-2006
Post by Brad Holmes on Nov 17, 2006 22:09:42 GMT -6
36RZ7: Për
36RZ8: Për
36RZ9: Për
36RZ10: Për
36RZ11: Për
Post by Albrec'ht Cheleir on Nov 19, 2006 22:06:35 GMT -6
36RZ7: Për
36RZ8: Për
36RZ9: Për
36RZ10: Për
36RZ11: Astaneu
Post by Polly Maria Holdorf on Nov 20, 2006 1:37:16 GMT -6
36RZ7: Për
36RZ8: Për
36RZ9: Për
36RZ10: Për
36RZ11: Për
Post by Sevastáin Casálmac'h on Nov 20, 2006 14:13:57 GMT -6
36RZ7: Për
36RZ8: Për
36RZ9: Për
36RZ10: Për
36RZ11: Për
Post by Xhorxh Ûnamind on Nov 20, 2006 16:14:25 GMT -6
I say we need some more wacky legislation to vote down.
36RZ7: Contra 36RZ8: Për 36RZ9: Contra 36RZ10: Për 36RZ11: Për VOC: Üc
Post by Mataiwos Nanamavéu on Nov 20, 2006 16:50:52 GMT -6
The MC from Ataturk arises, he then drops some papers on the ground and while picking them up he secretly opens his mini fridge hidden carefully under his seat and takes a quick gulp of Guinness, noticing that everyone is watching him, he quickly picks up the rest of his papers and loudly says:
Members of the Cosa, I hereby randomly cast my votes as follows.
On the matter of:
36RZ7. The "It Seemed A Bit Daft Me Havin' To Guard Him When He's A Guard" Act, I vote PËR
36RZ8. The Immigration Reform Reform Act, I also vote PËR
36RZ9. The Ballot Security Act, I do hereby vote PËR
In addition to
36RZ10. The Anti-Impostor and Liar Act, which surprisingly enough I also vote PËR
Sits down and takes another gulp of Guinness and then seeing a paper still left on the ground, he picks it up stands up again and says
Furthermore, to 36RZ11. The Equality in Voting Act (Amendment), I vote CONTRÂ
In the last matter of the VOC, I say ÜC to this.
I yield to the floor.
Sits down and in a shot he is finishing of the Guinness, which he started, sets his alarm clock, before falling asleep to the next Clark Voting
Matáiwos Nanamavéu MC.
Post by Nic Casálmac'h on Nov 20, 2006 17:00:07 GMT -6
36RZ7. The "It Seemed A Bit Daft Me Havin' To Guard Him When He's A Guard" Act: PËR (Though the name of the bill doesn't quite seem to say what it means.)
36RZ8. The Immigration Reform Reform Act: PËR
36RZ9. The Ballot Security Act: PËR
36RZ10. The Anti-Impostor and Liar Act: CONTRA
36RZ11. The Equality in Voting Act (Amendment): PËR
--Capitán Nic Casálmac'h
Post by Deleted on Nov 20, 2006 19:52:36 GMT -6
36RZ7. The "It Seemed A Bit Daft Me Havin' To Guard Him When He's A Guard" Act – austanéu
36RZ8. The Immigration Reform Reform Act - Contra
36RZ9. The Ballot Security Act – Contra
36RZ10. The Anti-Impostor and Liar Act – contra
36RZ11. The Equality in Voting Act (Amendment) – per
All the contras... i'm almost tempted to not vote ÜC. But I still have confidence.
Danihel Laurieir
Citizen since 7-1981; Count since 2-23-2006
Videbimus Omnes
Posts: 400
Post by Danihel Laurieir on Nov 20, 2006 20:43:27 GMT -6
Fellow members of the Cosa, I rise to cast my votes…I mean my vote…on the issues before us…
36RZ7 (Zouaves) PËR
36RZ8 (Immigration Reform): PËR
36RZ9 (Ballot Security): PËR
36RZ10: (Anti-Impostor): PËR
36RZ11: (Equality in Voting) PËR !!!
Capt. Sir Mick Preston
Capitán of the Zouaves
Posts: 6,511
Talossan Since: 9-21-2006
Knight Since: 10-12-2010
Motto: Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bho'n d'thainig sibh
Post by Capt. Sir Mick Preston on Nov 20, 2006 23:40:36 GMT -6
Carefully places tankard of ale in his desk's cup... err tankard .. holder...
Rises... then remembers he already sent his votes to the SoS.... Sits... Then decides that he does need to make his vote public...
Rises... then, decides this is a formality, so assumes his normal half crouch...
I would like my votes recorded for public record:
36RZ7: Për
36RZ8: Për
36RZ9: Për
36RZ10: Për
36RZ11: Për
Turns around, realizes that this is completely unorthodox, and quite inflamatory.... turns back to face the chamber... Sits.
Drains aformenetioned Tankard, hoping no one noticed his faux pas.
Baron Fritz
Citizen since 12-7-2004; Knight since 11-30-2005
Posts: 575
Post by Baron Fritz on Nov 21, 2006 8:45:53 GMT -6
My votes are as follows:
36RZ7 Per 36RZ8 Per 36RZ9 Per 36RZ10 Per 36RZ11 Per
Senator Fritz von Buchholtz