Post by King John on Oct 12, 2007 14:40:33 GMT -6
Þonörs del Regeu së Nadaliçâ 2007
come del Colêtx Rexhitál Talossán d'Armeux
Abbavilla, Atatürk
li 12. Listopäts dallas 2007/XXVIII
Noi, IÁN, Gräts à Dïeu Regeu da Talossa és da toct sieu Reic'hs és Cuntradâs, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Pengöpäts és las Nouâs Falklands, Zefençadéir del Feitz, Dûceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha és Vicár d'Atatürk, gráitent el Regipäts és sieu citaxhiêns és Cestoûrs sür acest aniversár da Noastra ziuâ natál. Sür aceastâ feschtâ speciál, Noi sînt rats és fiis d'actar sür l'aðviçéu del Noastra Regeu Hamiltâ d'Armeux, dels sieu Piersequînds, és dels altreux mîmbreux del Colêtx d'Armeux për affirmar és anonçar püblicmînt els Þonörs Rexhitáis që Noi otorgent perventürâ à douâ citaxhiêns deneux da Regipäts Noastra.
Tandi që hi tienent venescù avînt Üns douâ citaxhiêns da Talossa perþonêsts, plisceschti, és santimogñháis qi requestent el favoûr Noastra, és qi tienent petiziunat që Noi, în virtù del pëvarë Rexhitál cunferat solamînt à Nhoi, otorgadrent és cunferadrent à lhor, és à lor sovînds lexhitáis, dallas armeux; és
Tandi që Noi derivent dallas graçù és favoûr Rexhitáis Noschtri embù el sarvôir és el pëvarë à cunferar dallas armeux come dallas cadáis da Nhoi, és à emestar în táis facendâs ünâ proclamaziun Rexhitál avetz el Grült Saxhel del Regipäts; és
Tandi që Noi, d'ospréi el pëvarë és la graçù Rexhitáis Noschtri, toctziuâ tienent estescù clinats àð espunar els enclíns del Regipäts da Talossa és à cunferar àls enclíns fiéirs Noschtri dels favoûrs Rexhitáis sür on las feschtâs del Regipäts, és tandi që Noi apartì tienent estescù clinats par acestilor citaxhiêns, qi Noi toctziuâ tienent trovat à estarë preparats për la serviçù del Regipäts Noastra;
Nun, për aceastâ raziun, avetz els pëvarën Rexhitáis citats súper, på circümspicençâ ampál, sfäts ben, és adanaziun proprâ, Noi tienent reconéiçat els favoûrs zepictats aici és tienent cunferat àð acestilor douâ citaxhiêns që os és lor sovînds lexhitimätsilor estadrent daincêts els portéirs d'acestilor Armeux, és që os tenadrent acestilor Armeux come lor drept, come c'è la privilexhù es üsonçâ noastra, sânc la vïa eda l'ûnfáþilità d'aucün perziun.
Àð Alexandreu Gavárþic'h, Citaxhiên da Provînçù Vuode, Noi otorgent els Armeux Xhironös da dudësch civláinâ és ërxhënt ünâ s'cheptrâ alis or.
À Tony Weckström, Citaxhiên da Provînçù Cézembre, Noi otorgent els Armeux Ërxhënt ün crutz azür aschensat për ün cjován stanînd viac'htînd propreu és în cäps deschterál ün crutz Greqesc azür.
Zonats sub la Noastra mà Rexhitál àl avdançâ Noastra în la Cità da Centennial în Colorado, sür la Feschtâ da Sînt Feliceu és Sînt Çebrián, viscups d'Áfricâ, martürs, qi isch li dudësch Listopäts dal anneu da salvaziun el 2007-l:t, del váintsch-vuitlaiset anneu dal îndependençù da Talossa, és del pirmalaiset anneu del röin Noastra.
— Ián Regeu
King's Birthday Honours 2007
as from the Royal Talossan College of Arms
Abbavilla, Atatürk
12 October 2007, XXVIII
We, JOHN by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, greet the Kingdom and her citizens and Cestoûrs on this anniversary of our natal day. On this special day, We are pleased and proud to act on the advice of Our Squirrel King of Arms, his pursuivants, and the other members of the College of Arms to affirm and announce publicly the Royal honours granted to two worthy citizens of Our Kingdom.
Whereas there have come before Us two honourable, dutiful, and God-fearing citizens of Talossa requesting Our favour, which two loyal subjects have humbly petitioned that We, by virtue of the Royal power conferred only unto Us, might grant and confer unto them, and their lawful heirs, a coat of arms; and
Whereas We derive from Our Royal grace and favour both the commission and the power to confer achievements of arms as a gift from Us, and to issue in such matters a Royal proclamation with the Great Seal of the Kingdom; and
Whereas We, in Our innate Royal power and grace, have always been inclined to provide for the subjects of the Kingdom of Talossa and to confer unto Our loyal subjects Royal favours on the feast days of the Kingdom, and whereas We are particularly inclined toward these citizens, whom We have always found ready in the service of Our Kingdom;
Therefore, with the Royal powers cited above, upon ample consideration, good counsel, and proper knowledge, We have recognized the favours described herein and have conferred upon these two citizens that they and their legitimate heirs should hereafter be bearers of these coats of arms, and that they should therefore have these arms as right, as is Our privilege and custom, without leave or hindrance by anyone.
Alexandreu Gavárþic'h, Citizen of Vuode Province, is granted Gyronny of twelve sable and argent a winged sceptre or.
Tony Weckström, Citizen of Cézembre Province, is granted Argent a cross azure surmounted by a lynx statant guardant proper and in dexter chief a Greek cross azure.
Given under Our hand Royal at Our residence in the city of Centennial in Colorado, on the Feast of Saints Felix and Cyprian, bishops of North Africa, martyrs, this being the twelfth day of October in the year of salvation 2007, of the independence of Talossa the twenty-eighth, and of Our reign the first.
— John Regeu
come del Colêtx Rexhitál Talossán d'Armeux
Abbavilla, Atatürk
li 12. Listopäts dallas 2007/XXVIII
Noi, IÁN, Gräts à Dïeu Regeu da Talossa és da toct sieu Reic'hs és Cuntradâs, Regeu da Cézembre, Avötz da Pengöpäts és las Nouâs Falklands, Zefençadéir del Feitz, Dûceu dallas Forziuns Armeschti, Vice-Regeu da Hoxha és Vicár d'Atatürk, gráitent el Regipäts és sieu citaxhiêns és Cestoûrs sür acest aniversár da Noastra ziuâ natál. Sür aceastâ feschtâ speciál, Noi sînt rats és fiis d'actar sür l'aðviçéu del Noastra Regeu Hamiltâ d'Armeux, dels sieu Piersequînds, és dels altreux mîmbreux del Colêtx d'Armeux për affirmar és anonçar püblicmînt els Þonörs Rexhitáis që Noi otorgent perventürâ à douâ citaxhiêns deneux da Regipäts Noastra.
Tandi që hi tienent venescù avînt Üns douâ citaxhiêns da Talossa perþonêsts, plisceschti, és santimogñháis qi requestent el favoûr Noastra, és qi tienent petiziunat që Noi, în virtù del pëvarë Rexhitál cunferat solamînt à Nhoi, otorgadrent és cunferadrent à lhor, és à lor sovînds lexhitáis, dallas armeux; és
Tandi që Noi derivent dallas graçù és favoûr Rexhitáis Noschtri embù el sarvôir és el pëvarë à cunferar dallas armeux come dallas cadáis da Nhoi, és à emestar în táis facendâs ünâ proclamaziun Rexhitál avetz el Grült Saxhel del Regipäts; és
Tandi që Noi, d'ospréi el pëvarë és la graçù Rexhitáis Noschtri, toctziuâ tienent estescù clinats àð espunar els enclíns del Regipäts da Talossa és à cunferar àls enclíns fiéirs Noschtri dels favoûrs Rexhitáis sür on las feschtâs del Regipäts, és tandi që Noi apartì tienent estescù clinats par acestilor citaxhiêns, qi Noi toctziuâ tienent trovat à estarë preparats për la serviçù del Regipäts Noastra;
Nun, për aceastâ raziun, avetz els pëvarën Rexhitáis citats súper, på circümspicençâ ampál, sfäts ben, és adanaziun proprâ, Noi tienent reconéiçat els favoûrs zepictats aici és tienent cunferat àð acestilor douâ citaxhiêns që os és lor sovînds lexhitimätsilor estadrent daincêts els portéirs d'acestilor Armeux, és që os tenadrent acestilor Armeux come lor drept, come c'è la privilexhù es üsonçâ noastra, sânc la vïa eda l'ûnfáþilità d'aucün perziun.
Àð Alexandreu Gavárþic'h, Citaxhiên da Provînçù Vuode, Noi otorgent els Armeux Xhironös da dudësch civláinâ és ërxhënt ünâ s'cheptrâ alis or.
À Tony Weckström, Citaxhiên da Provînçù Cézembre, Noi otorgent els Armeux Ërxhënt ün crutz azür aschensat për ün cjován stanînd viac'htînd propreu és în cäps deschterál ün crutz Greqesc azür.
Zonats sub la Noastra mà Rexhitál àl avdançâ Noastra în la Cità da Centennial în Colorado, sür la Feschtâ da Sînt Feliceu és Sînt Çebrián, viscups d'Áfricâ, martürs, qi isch li dudësch Listopäts dal anneu da salvaziun el 2007-l:t, del váintsch-vuitlaiset anneu dal îndependençù da Talossa, és del pirmalaiset anneu del röin Noastra.
— Ián Regeu
King's Birthday Honours 2007
as from the Royal Talossan College of Arms
Abbavilla, Atatürk
12 October 2007, XXVIII
We, JOHN by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, greet the Kingdom and her citizens and Cestoûrs on this anniversary of our natal day. On this special day, We are pleased and proud to act on the advice of Our Squirrel King of Arms, his pursuivants, and the other members of the College of Arms to affirm and announce publicly the Royal honours granted to two worthy citizens of Our Kingdom.
Whereas there have come before Us two honourable, dutiful, and God-fearing citizens of Talossa requesting Our favour, which two loyal subjects have humbly petitioned that We, by virtue of the Royal power conferred only unto Us, might grant and confer unto them, and their lawful heirs, a coat of arms; and
Whereas We derive from Our Royal grace and favour both the commission and the power to confer achievements of arms as a gift from Us, and to issue in such matters a Royal proclamation with the Great Seal of the Kingdom; and
Whereas We, in Our innate Royal power and grace, have always been inclined to provide for the subjects of the Kingdom of Talossa and to confer unto Our loyal subjects Royal favours on the feast days of the Kingdom, and whereas We are particularly inclined toward these citizens, whom We have always found ready in the service of Our Kingdom;
Therefore, with the Royal powers cited above, upon ample consideration, good counsel, and proper knowledge, We have recognized the favours described herein and have conferred upon these two citizens that they and their legitimate heirs should hereafter be bearers of these coats of arms, and that they should therefore have these arms as right, as is Our privilege and custom, without leave or hindrance by anyone.
Alexandreu Gavárþic'h, Citizen of Vuode Province, is granted Gyronny of twelve sable and argent a winged sceptre or.
Tony Weckström, Citizen of Cézembre Province, is granted Argent a cross azure surmounted by a lynx statant guardant proper and in dexter chief a Greek cross azure.
Given under Our hand Royal at Our residence in the city of Centennial in Colorado, on the Feast of Saints Felix and Cyprian, bishops of North Africa, martyrs, this being the twelfth day of October in the year of salvation 2007, of the independence of Talossa the twenty-eighth, and of Our reign the first.
— John Regeu